Is your Facebook Business Page working for you? New to social media for Business?
Facebook is a place to show off your business to your current followers but also potential new customers will check you out on there before making a decision to buy, so having up to date interesting activity is crucial to develop that know, like, trust relationship to really convince people you give quality, are transparent and above all you are the place for them!
Here is a step by step plan to maximise how you present your business on Facebook.
- Pictures, pictures everywhere and still nothing to post? Photos and videos from within your business will make your content creation a breeze! At every opportunity, look for photo and preferable short video opportunities. Examples could be
- The finished product – hair do or set of nails, even a repaired brick wall or a cleaned sofa!
- A happy customer- if they want to be on camera great! If not, get them to write you a testimonial. Always, always ask for these without fail!!
- The end of a good day at work- what you are doing to relax maybe?
- New window display or product
- Tools and products you work with
- Your walk to work
- Your colleagues – spotlights and milestones
- A cup of coffee on a tea break can give you an opportunity to tell a story about what is happening in your business.
- Any promotions of special offers – find royalty free images on Pixabay or Unsplash. You will need to download a copy and save to your camera roll if doing on your phone.
If you START WITH YOUR PICTURE the rest should flow so have a bank of them and take them every single day, you never know when you might need them.
2. Tell your businesses stories. A little insight into behind the scenes is extremely beneficial to your Facebook Page followers. They have liked your Page for a reason and want to hear news and updates. Gaining a little snapshot into your day to day helps new clients make a decision about whether to use you and they are far more likely to use your service or buy your product if they know exactly who they will be speaking to when they get there.
- Staff milestones – these can be business or personal, has someone been on a course, got a qualification, started a new aspect to their service. Has someone new started?
- Physical location – share or find local stories about your area, it shouldn’t be ALL about your business. General interest stories will give good variation. Is there a new shop in your street? If so, go meet them and then tag their business too! It will highlight your business to their clients too!
- Describe the sorts of work you are doing, what has gone well.
- Give value by sharing industry news and tips for example, a hairdressers, what’s on Trend, what new products are out and the latest fashion in hair styles and colours plus celebrity news.
3. Start small and work up. Now all that is a LOT of information so don’t be overwhelmed. Get yourself a small diary and plan your posts firstly on paper and aim for 2/3 a week posted either late eve or early morning. You can check when your followers are most online in your Insights but these tend to be the trends. So this could be
- MONDAY – Staff spotlight or what I am working on this or last week.
- WEDNESDAY- Top tip – give value – eg Hairdresser- Best way to care for frizzy hair/weak nails – Plumber – ways to save water – Accountant – money saving.
- FRIDAY – Fun post – Nolstagia post – funny meme, anything light hearted.
4.Use a graphic editing program like Canva. Canva is so simple to use and can make great looking pictures for announcements.
5.Encourage sharing and commenting in your posts. Ask peoples opinions and always reply to any comments. Eg you could say ” New promotion – 20% off if you book before the end of November – please share with your friends” Sharing is powerful as the reach will obviously be greater but it also tells Facebook that your post is popular and FB will show it to more people. Facebooks algorithm is not set in the favour of business pages so your reach is automatically low. Posting regularly is absolutely crucial to keep your Page in peoples feeds.
6.Go Live! The absolute golden bullet of Facebook for business is live broadcasts. Showing your Page followers something live will reach completely new audiences. A regular weekly update is ideal, same time and day. Aswell as the furthest unpaid reach for the live broadcast itself, your subsequent posts will also be much more optimised too following the live broadcast! Win, win! For more help with going live for your business I offer one to one help and support.
More top tips.
- You don’t have to write an essay, a couple of lines is fine with a picture.
- Using a scheduler like Creator Studio can be helpful to post to both Instagram and Facebook simultaneously but they are quite different audiences with different goals so best to post separately.
- Brainstorm your post subjects in one go and if you work with others, do it together, you will be amazed at how ideas flow.
- Go with the seasons – seasonal posts and month starts are also good subjects for posts, you will have seen others do this.
If you would like this training more indepth, customised to your business entirely and on a tailor made one to one basis to get you straight on your social media posting, I offer either Zoom or socially distanced training on separate pc’s in my office. Prices start from £99.