Home » Blog Page » Friday Feels or Fails? Why Your Facebook Business Posts Aren’t Performing and What You Can Do About It!

Friday Feels or Fails? Why Your Facebook Business Posts Aren’t Performing and What You Can Do About It!


As a Facebook Business Page owner you will know the frustration of how little exposure your beautifully crafted and humourous posts are getting no matter how much you post!

There is a simple reason for this, Facebook has MANY reasons why it’s algorithm prevents your posts being seen!

Here’s why from the horses mouth

“In January 2018, according to Facebook’s Head of News Feed Adam Mosseri, Facebook began to “shift ranking to make News Feed more about connecting with people and less about consuming media in isolation.”

Simply, Facebook is managing more and more ad content therefore space in the Newsfeed for ads is much more competitive.

Facebook started to prioritise content from family and friends over Pages but also to show them content that is most relevant to them aswell. It’s clever stuff! So what can businesses do?

Here is how Facebook prioritises Facebook Pages posts

“According to a Facebook webinar hosted in January 2018, those priorities are:

  • If the content is shared over Facebook Messenger.
  • If the content is Liked or commented on.
  • If the content receives multiple replies.
  • “Meaningful interactions” between users.


But organic reach, i.e. the natural number of people that will see your posts, will reach 0% as Facebook focuses on the Family and Friends ethos.

So here are a few things you can do in addition to paid advertising on Facebook, which is where we will ultimately end up.


  • Be more selective about what you post- quality branded posts that promote engagement and click through are what will be pushed up the Newsfeed.


  • Remind fans to go to Pages on the left hand side of their newsfeed to see a summary of all those Pages you have liked in the past and all the recently changed pages are at the top (top tip) so people can actually catch up with content from the Pages they have liked- not much chance otherwise! Also true for Watch. All your Pages content is grouped together with all the Pages you follow in a big list down the left hand side!


  • Educate your Fans that they can adjust their settings to ‘See First’ to get all the content from your Page


  • Encourage fans to ‘Like, comment and share’. The algorithm will then present them with more of the same in their feed if that’s what they like seeing


  • Videos and Facebook Live- its fairly common knowledge now that Rich Media is more widely optimised in the feed and the algorithm is clebver enough to measure engagement on these too. Use videos with captions, animations, and engaging visuals to draw in Facebook users’ attention.


  • Finally, build your own online presence with your own content in places other than Facebook ie. Blog, website and treat Facebook as a Paid Ad site for Business to send people back to your own online real estate.


For help with Facebook Advertising for your Business, I can sit down and help you craft your posts to get new and old fans onto your website for best performance when you do have to finally reach into your pocket to get your Business noticed on Facebook!

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